
...and take decisions, Comrade Bednarz
But for some time now...
...for quite a long time...
...the Director hasn't seen people,
or listened, or had faith in people

You should have helped him,
pointed it out before now

Before you answer, Comrade Director...
...l have one more question
The cessation of building work...
...also springs from a lack of
ideological conscience

You were one of the first
on the spot...

...but you didn't inform
the Party branch...

...or the District Committee;
you alone decided

You can't act like that.
You just can't

But it was necessary, even if the
sense of injustice was subjective

Comrade, l'd like to...
Stefan, we worked together in Olecko
l think that after l left...
:22:26 took on many things...
...we shared with Party activists...
...the unions...
...and the administration
People got into the habit of
going to see Bednarz...

...instead of the Municipal Council...
...even when it wasn't within
your province

They got used to it and
this is the result
