What's this photo?
l took it
-Do you like it?
-lt's great
She was my uncle's lodger
during the occupation
That must be me
l had curly hair then
What about your programme?
My reportage?
l wanted to call you,
to talk about it...
...but l couldn't get through
Are you surprised that
l won't discuss it?
l'm afraid of people who oppose me,
a difference of opinion
-Can l help?
-Just hold that
You didn't seem afraid the other day
in your office
l thought you'd agreed
We all have moments of weakness
Your film will be against me
or my methods of work
l was thinking of something
more ambitious...
...not a one-sided report
A film about you as you are,
as l see you
-Right now?
-l think so
Can you take those in?