- Hi, Carrie.
- Hi.
So this is where you live, huh?
- What are you doing here?
- You gonna ask me in?
Why not?
Mama's resting.
- What do you want?
- God, right to the point. Um...
- About the prom...
- I already told you.
- But you can change your mind.
- Why are you doing this?
- Cos I want to.
- No, you're not.
I don't do anything I don't want.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can!
- You'd better go.
- Not till you say yes.
- No. I can't.
- Yes, you can.
I said I can't.
Yes, you can.
- Will you please go?
- Not till you say yes.
Why is this so important to you?
I don't know.
Maybe because, um... you liked my poem.
- Okay, okay, I'll go.
- Good. I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock.
What's the matter, Willie?
We gonna wake up the little piggies?
Oink, oink!
You know, this is a hell of a risk for a joke.
- You want out?
- No, no. It's a good joke. It's a good joke.
Look at this!
- What?
- All these pigs!
What are you talking about?