- Mama, please say that Tommy and me...
- I'm gonna close the window.
Mama, please sit and talk to me!
I'm goin', Mama.
And things are gonna change
around here.
Got Satan's power.
It's nothin' to do with Satan, Mama.
It's me. Me.
If I concentrate hard enough,
I can move things.
- Satan is clever.
- No, Mama.
I'm not the only one.
Other people can do it. I read about it.
You poor child. He doesn't let you know
he's working through you.
Mama... I know.
He entered your father
and carried him off!
- He ran away, Mama.
- The devil tempted him!
He ran away with a woman, Mama.
Everybody knows that.
You must renounce this power.
You must give it up. Never use it.
I'm goin', Mama.
You can't stop me.
And I don't wanna talk about it any more.
- Keep that damn light straight.
- Hurry up!
Watch it, you stupid shit!
You're getting blood all over the place!
Who you calling a stupid shit?
I mean, you can't even keep
that fuckin' light straight.
Just hurry up.
Yes, ma'am! We's doin' the bes' we can!
We really are, boss!
Hurry up. I wanna go home.