I absolutely must see her.
It is forbidden.
Follow me.
The opening ! Slowly !
You know you should not stop
with people you do not know.
You know nothing about
the evils of the world.
Behind the face of a flower,
you can find a black heart.
Remember how we ran that winter
in Hungary ?
You have long legs and with only
one step, you go where you want,
but Ali' and I have short legs...
Luckily, the elephant made
her die of fright !
Good. You put all the dolls
to sleep !
Take off your clothes, Angelina.
The bath is ready.
My cape fell !
Good !
Another blow like that and
Totonno will become a midget !
The tub is full !
- Come, Angelina.
- Is it hot ?
The other evening you made me sneeze
all night !
Slowly. You will make
the water overflow !
- Hold still !
- Stop, Angelina.
- I put my foot in your hair.
- Yes, and in my balls !