Observe these seeds, Highness.
They produce a repulsive
red efflurescence,
but it has miraculous virtues.
It was discovered by a Spanish monk
who experimented it many times
on himself.
Nobody in the world could say
that man is over 40,
but he actually is over one hundred.
I am desperate in my love for you
but your heart is of iron !
And your buttocks is of wood !
Never in my life
have I been so insulted !
I will no longer permit
that he come before my eyes,
even if I am in this palace,
and my duty as a guest
does not allow me to take up
my sword !
Go away, scoundrels,
back to your sewers !
My brother, the Duke, says you
frightened Rosalba with your sword.
That is not good for a Latin
lover of beautiful women as you are.
Enchanting !
I heard that in Nuremberg
a general had built
a mechanical chess player,
but this goes beyond any imagination.
Look ! It is perfect !
One could swear it is real flesh.
The right color.
It would fool anyone.