My choice goes to...
Romana, the most beautiful
model in Rome.
Her generous forms have often
been immortalized on canvas, marble.
Romana, the Venus
of the countryside !
Now bring me a basket of eggs,
a bottle of wine from Spain,
ginger, cinnamon, and clover.
My necklace on Casanova !
My robust Righetto, will you accept
me as the woman, who, for one hour,
will receive the impulses
of your rustic loins ?
May the good Lord
make me worthy, Princess.
Challengers, go to your places,
and begin their pleasant,
I hope, trial.
He put eighteen eggs inside !
God protect you and give you health !
Oh ! Nineteen !
He is drinking all of them !
What do you have inside there ?
Where will all those eggs
come out from ?
How do you feel ?
Flabby, flabby, huh ?
What does he want now ?
With such an omelet in his stomach !
I bet on you, and I want to win !
Make sure that I win.
If I bet on you,
will you make me win ?
I will do everything
to make you win.
The challenge entailing
four testicles is about to begin !
A great poet
against a dirty primitive !
Move from there.
It is not something for children.