The miracle took place.
Not only am I cured, but I feel much
better and stronger than before.
It is thanks to you,
my adorable scientists.
You made me become ill and
you gave me back the joy of health.
Why do you say we made you ill ?
Did I say that ?
I do not know.
Oh, yes. I remember.
Those horrible insects
with those monstrous demon forms
that move about without a reason.
Evil !
Evil in its living state.
And you there,
with your big pins...
Seeing both of you piercing
them, one by one... horrible !
Was it as if you were pierced
a thousand times ?
Yes. The pain I imagined
was so real on me,
that it overwhelmed me.
I am very sensitive, without a doubt.
I am a creature of elements,
air, water...
And fire, too.
That is what I heard about you.