Isabella, I finally understand
the mysterious evil
that struck me in this house,
that brought a light inside of me.
I want a different life,
one in the quiet of my study.
I want to give up
my useless, boring freedom
and always be lovingly guided
by you.
Say yes, Isabella.
I beg you, my illuminated savior.
You are mad, Giacomo.
Maybe you speak like this because
you are still weak from your illness.
Listen to me, Isabella. You cannot
refuse me, or I will be ill again,
and this time, forever.
I was right in saying
that you are made of fire.
Tomorrow I am leaving.
Please, Isabella, come with me.
No, it cannot be.
- Join me in Dresda.
- Dresda ? How is that possible ?
Oh, Giacomo !
Yes, alright.
At the Moors' inn in Dresda.
My life !