''if l function as the firmament...
''that accelerates a latent state of anarchy,
then anarchy is first of all...
''within me.
''lt ravages my organism...
''and plunges my mind into a kind of
precocious madness...
''which has a special name...
''in modern medical terminology.
''l am man and woman.
''l am man and woman...
''and sun worship...
''is the religion of the man...
''who, nevertheless,
without woman, his double...
''in whom l am reflected...
''is capable of nothing.
''lt is the religion of the single being
who divides himself in two to act...
''and to be.
''The religion...
''of the primal division of the single being.
''The unity, duality united...
''in the first androgynous being...
''of which he is the man...
''and he the woman simultaneously...
''united in a single whole.
''A dual struggle wages within me. First...
''the unity that divides itself
and yet remains a unity.
''Second, that of the Sun King...
''the man in whom is unable
to reconcile himself...
''to being a human ego...
''that spits on man...
''and finally hurls him into the cesspool.''
...and now the resuIts of
this week's Iottery draw, 5, 6...
12, 15, 32, 33....