''...even today
he is not ashamed to admit...
''that he went down on his knees,
overwhelmed by frenzied enthusiasm...
''to thank heaven with
an overbrimming heart...
''for granting him the fortune
to live in this age...''
Bring me my chocolates!
Sit down!
Tell me, Gabriel.
Would you want to sleep with a cripple?
You don't have to say anything.
l know the answer.
l tell it to myself almost every day.
They hate me because l'm crippled.
-No. Don't say anything.
l know all those lies.
You shouldn't have to lie.
ls your book coming on?
l like what you write.
Do you know how long Daddy
has been cheating on Mother...
with that woman?
Eleven years.
And do you know
what happened 11 years ago?
l fell ill 11 years ago.
lt's as simple as that.
Everything is simple.
Life itself is simple.
l learned that from Traunitz.
And Mother's been going with
Kolbe for seven years...
ever since the doctors said...