La Casa dalle finestre che ridono

If you feel lonely, come back.
You know the way.

I'll be waiting for your visit.
Not morning, I'm in school.

I'll remember that.
For you to understand
what I have to say...

I must take you
to a special place.

It's a house with odd windows.
Are you finally going to tell
that story from yesterday?

Or will this be bullshit?
Do you know what
we call him?

- Painter of Agony.
- I think that's true.

You think you know...
I'm talking about someone
who lived for death.

Come here, Foresti!
Here you go, doctor.
Thank. See you tomorrow.
Antonio, what about
this story of agony?

Good morning. Doctor,
that stuff you ordered for us...

:15:57 should be here soon.
