Stop it, understand?
Don't talk to me like that.
Go home... leave!
Can I have a cigarette?
It's finished.
- Thank you, marshal.
- Good night.
Sorry about the trouble.
This is the only restaurant
in the village. By the way,
- how do you find our food?
- Very good. I love it.
- Even though we have problems.
- The kitchen is very good.
It's good that the problems
don't affect it
I work hard, and thanks to Solmi.
He has helped a lot.
He's done much
for this village.
He's a brave man.
Though not tall, he's big.
He has railed the village...
...to unity and prosperity.
I'm sure you find these
pictures beautiful.
Like the one we have
in the church
These were painted
by the same artist
These paintings are the most
important thing in the village.
My wife. Everything in this
house belongs to her.
But how she suffers!
She's very sick...
She lives upstairs now... this is
her home. She wanders about...