La Casa dalle finestre che ridono

Who is it? Ah, it's you...
I didn't want to disturb you.
I thought you were sleeping.

Sleep? Me? Not quite.
How can a woman in
so much pain... sleep?

Can I ask you a question?
Do you hear noises at night?

- Noises?
- Yes.

- Last night?
- Yes. Noises.

The only person who could
bump into here is me...

and I'm not in that good of
shape to be walking around.

I don't think you're
in that bad of shape.

Come, young man.
Come next to me.

It's been a long time since
I've talked with anyone.

It makes me happy someone
is concerned about me.

So, how's the weather?
Is it nice out?

Yes, it's a beautiful day.
You'll come and see
me often, right?

- I promise.
- Goodbye, young man.
