Oh, look what that pig's doing now.
He's actually pissing in the sink.
Oh, look what that pig's doing now.
He's actually pissing in the sink.
- How revolting!
- Come on, get off my back, will ya?
It's not my fault if there's
no john in this crummy apartment.
You're making a great deal
of noise, monsieur.
It's after 1:00, and you're
making a great deal of noise.
I'm just having a few friends
over for a quiet chat.
Quiet? I live upstairs, and I
can hear every word you're saying.
You've been dragging furniture
around, stamping about the place.
It's intolerable. Do you intend
to carry on like this much longer?
Who is that asshole? Hmm?
I'm terribly sorry I woke you.
I will be more careful from now on.
You don't seem to give a damn
about anyone else.
It's all very well
to have a good time.
But some people have to work,
you know?
Tomorrow's Sunday. It's reasonable
for me to have a few people...
around on Saturday evening.
No, monsieur.
It's not reasonable...