The important thing is, man,
to spot trouble before it happens.
Watch the people
when they go in the water.
See what kind of swimmers they are.
See how they treat the ocean.
You know, are they confident?
Are they scared?
And keep a special eye on the little kids.
Man, they can get knocked down
in a second.
Now, if you're alone,
if you have to leave the tower...
take the phone off the hook
and they'll send a back-up man.
Keep the rescue can with you always.
Even if you're just going to the john.
You can never tell
when you're gonna need it.
Keep your eye out for any weird stuff
happening on the beach...
or up in the parking lot.
- Like what?
- Anything.
All the weirdoes seem to end up down here.
Man, you're gonna see stuff
you're not gonna believe.
The funny thing is...
by the end of the summer,
it'll all seem normal.
Hey, guys, that's it. Out of the water.
Black ball.
Thanks a lot, man.
It hasn't even gotten good yet.
Man, you guys know the rules.
On weekends, swimmers beach after 10:00.
Yeah, thanks a lot.
Hey, Lifeguard Rick!
Hey, what's happening, Machine Gun?
Hey, old buddy, you ready for
another thrill-packed summer?
Not if you guys have anything to do with it.
Okay. Just for that
we're moving down to tower seven.
That a promise?
Hey, listen, this place would
be a drag without the UDT.
These guys get their kicks out of
feeling up the local ladies underwater.
Underwater Demolition Team.
Try going straight this summer
and just concentrate on getting laid.
All the chicks our age, they dig older guys.
And all the chicks younger than us,
they aren't even chicks yet.
One of these days, you're gonna get
your asses kicked by somebody's old man.
No chance. We've been
working on our technique all year.
This summer's gonna be different.
I promise. Cross my heart.