Better cross something else
while you're at it.
Those are the horniest little guys
this side of TJ.
- TJ?
- Tijuana, man.
Why do they call him Machine Gun?
I don't know. Everybody calls him that.
He claims he holds the international record
for jerking off.
When I was his age, I thought I held it.
Yeah, we all held it.
But I think he holds it more.
- What do you do during winter?
- Same thing I do during summer.
- Yeah? Must get lonely, huh?
- Beats selling encyclopedias.
Yeah, that's for sure.
You want to stop for a beer?
I'd like to, but I got
a little stewy friend coming in tonight.
Is it true what they say about stewardesses?
Yeah. And nurses, secretaries
and schoolteachers.
What do they say about schoolteachers?
They make you do it over and over again,
till you get it right.
- See you tomorrow.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Good night.
I'll be damned.
Shit. Yeah, be right there.
Yeah, I'm coming.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It's only a 12-hour layover
so you're gonna have to work fast.
- Miss me?
- Sure did.
I'll bet you did.
A little vino. Gonna crack it open.
Still haven't gotten any plants in here,
have you?
Yeah, right around the corner.
Careful, it's a man-eater.