
He's attractive. And wealthy.
- And he's better in bed than you are.
- Nobody's better in bed than I am.

I know. That's your problem.
That's my problem too, though.

But I know your secret.
What's that?
You don't care.
- What are you talking about?
- You.

You're great technically,
but you don't feel anything.

I really didn't go to bed with him.
The man who wants me to go to Marrakesh.
- I don't think I'll go.
- You ought to.

Why, you'd have it made if you hooked up
with one of those rich guys.

I know.
My problem is I don't think I can do it.

I mean, I'd have to love him, too.
Your problem is you want everything.
All I want is someone to love
who'll love me.

Your problem is you want everything.
Do you have a Band-Aid?
Yeah, sure. Come on up.
Dunk your feet in that bucket.

- How'd you do that?
- On a root beer can.

Probably gonna have to amputate.
Not that bad, is it?
