
- Too much.
- Isn't it something?

- I'm really happy for you.
- You know something?

In five years, I'll have made my first million.
Not bad for a kid
who was voted class clown, huh?

- Plus, we do have a few fringe benefits.
- I noticed.

Hi, ladies.
You gonna be at the class reunion?
Man, I don't think so.
It'll probably be a big drag.

Hey, I understand
that Cathy split from her old man.

Oh, yeah? That's too bad.
She'll probably be there. Maybe you two
can kind of rekindle the old...

- So you ended up selling cars?
- Not cars, Porsches.

The finest machine on the road today.
Hey, you know something?
You know,
I think we could use a guy like you.

We've got a very groovy,
hang-loose kind of operation.

I think you'd love it.
- Me?
- Yeah, you.

With your personality,
I'll bet you'd earn $20,000 the first year.

- Will you think about it?
- Yeah.

Okay, you got my card.
Give it some thought.

Now, come on, I want you
to meet a customer and her friend.

All right.
Hey, some big guys
are beating up on Machine Gun.

Okay, I'm right there.
You got to stop it. He's gonna get hurt.
I told you I don't got any, now cut it out!
I'll bet you got it hid. Come on.
- Now, you're gonna get it.
- Knock it off.

You better get back to your tower, lifeguard.
Any more rough stuff and I'll call the cops.
Okay, back off, asshole!
Come on, man, come on!
You all right?
Yeah, I think so.
Machine Gun, you want me to call the cops?
No, it'll just cause more trouble.
Get the hell off the beach
and don't come back!
