
Good reason.
Sure, for him. It just ruins my life.
Oh, yeah? You'll make some friends.
Hey, you have a towel?
- I forgot it.
- Come on, I'll get you one.

- You going to school?
- One more year till I get out.

- Going to college?
- Nope, don't think so.

I'd like to travel. Maybe go to Europe.
Find yourself a rich husband?
No, I'm not interested in marriage.
Like to live with someone, though.
Like to see what that's like.

- Do you live with anyone?
- No, not right now.

- But have you?
- Yeah, a few times.

What does that mean?
Well, when it's good, it's pretty good.
When it's bad, it's bad.

Look at all the divorces.
- Your folks still together?
- Yes.

- They love each other?
- I don't know.

- I guess not.
- See what I mean?

You take all the people that are divorced...
and all those that should be divorced,
who you got left?

I'm sure there're some people somewhere.
I'm sure. Ozzie and Harriet.
Have you made love with many girls?
What, are you writing a book?
No. Just curious.
- Have you?
- Yeah, a few.

- Have you made love with many boys?
- Just once.

I didn't really like it, though.
We didn't really know what we were doing.
You got lots of time.
A woman doesn't hit her prime till she's 30.
