
I was serious.
I even told my partner about it.

- He wants to speak to you.
- Tell him to come down to the beach.

I just ran into Cathy back there.
I mean she is really looking good.
I bet.
Between you and I...
did you two ever really get it on together?
I knew it. You used to go around
telling everybody you did, right?

We all said a lot of things.
Most of it was always bullshit.

Well, I hate to drink and run,
but I'm gonna split from here.

- Will you think about that $20,000?
- Yeah.

- Save yourself, lifeguard, will you?
- All right.

Good photo.
Pete says you're the one who corrupted him.
It was the other way around.
He used to take me...

to Tijuana every other weekend.
- That's not the way I heard it.
- Well, that's the way it was.

We'd get a little bombed on tequila
and he'd spend the day...

chasing all the whores around
waving a $5 bill.

That's not the way you tell it.
- Thanks, pal.
- Just wanted to keep the record straight.

Did he tell you about
the chick with the donkey?

A donkey? Oh that's sick. That's really sick.
A donkey, a poor little animal, defenseless...
Hey, Rick.
- Hi, man, how are you?
- Fine.

- Good to see you.
- Fine.

You remember Janet Murphy?
Yeah. She had the biggest tits
in junior high and high school.

Right. Well, she's sitting over there,
take a look at her now, in the green dress.

- Holy shit!
- Hey, we gotta have lunch sometime.

- Yeah, sure.
- What are you into now?

Wait, let me guess.
- Let's see, you're in insurance, right?
- Nope, I'm...

Wait a minute.
Outdoors, constructionist, huh?
- Still down at the beach.
- Lifeguard?

That's right.
No kidding. That's great.
God damn, Rick, when I think how I used
to fantasize about Janet Murphy...
