- Do you work outdoors?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I work for the county.
Really? That must be interesting work.
Imagine remembering that number
after 15 years.
I call my mom every week
and I have trouble remembering it.
Well, I better find Frank
before he passes out.
He's always lecturing his patients
on the abuses of alcohol.
But I wouldn't want to light a match
near him tonight.
I'll call you, Cathy.
Yeah, listen, the first one is home
and the second one's the gallery.
But don't call me at home during the day.
All you'll get is, "No en casa."
- Okay. Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye, Ricky.
- Bye, Judy. Nice to see you.
What gallery?
It's on La Cienega.
I got a job after my divorce.
Now I run an art gallery.
That's great.
Well, the mustache really threw me.
I like it.
Somehow, I thought you wouldn't show up.
I almost didn't.
Just too many people
asking too many questions.
Wild man Ricky Carlson. The living legend.
Something like that.
Oh, the hell with them.
- Been saying that all night.
- Listen, you rat.
I've never forgiven you
for not taking me to grad night.
I thought that was the way you wanted it.
No, really.
You just maneuvered it so that
you could take...
that sexpot, Sally what's-her-name.