It's called progress.
Manufactured doctorates
is called progress.
I say, "Let us hush this cry of progress
till 10,000 years have passed."
That's a quote. Who said that?
Come on. Who said that?
Well, somebody
must know the answer!
Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson.
You can't compete on a doctoral level
and not know "Locksley Hall".
I hope you all flunk! Dismissed.
- Levy?
- Yeah.
I knew your father.
Rather well, in point of fact.
He was my mentor.
I know.
- There was another of you.
- I have an older brother.
A rich successful businessman.
My father would have disowned him.
Why are you at Columbia
for your doctorate?
It's not just the way things worked out.
You're father got his at Columbia.
You can't fill his footsteps,
I'm sorry to say.
You might end up leaving
larger tracks than Dad,
but they'll be your tracks,
they won't be his.
Why didn't you answer that Tennyson
question? It was obvious you knew.
I... I don't know.
How am I to fathom your mind
if you continue to hide it from me?
If you persist,
I'll conclude you're a drone.
The McCarthy section
is central to your dissertation, yes?
The McCarthy section
is central to your dissertation, yes?
- Yes.
- Very worrisome.