Harry, I want you
to investigate this personally.
They'll be sent
to the mainland next week.
If they're clean,
and I'm betting they are,
I want that shipment cancelled.
Matt, you're way out of line here!
This isn't your department!
This is tampering!
Alright, what have we got?.
What are these people to you?.
the girl may be my daughter-in-law.
You're pressuring me to take
improper action for personal reasons.
Improper action, hell!
They're no more
a threat to national security
than your pet Airedale.
I'll have to report your request.
It'll go into your record.
It's not for me.
You know I wouldn't ask you
for myself. I'm asking you for my kid.
Jesus Christ, Harry!
I'm begging you!
Alright, I'll investigate it.
Thanks, Harry.
And, Captain,
this'll wash it with us.
We're even.
- Aye-aye, Sir.