That had top priority, Admiral.
You sent everything we had:
tanks, PT boats, anti-aircraft guns.
It's miserable waiting for an attack
on your own people, hoping it happens.
More pressure from Washington?.
- Not a whisper.
I'd rather have them raising hell.
- What's the count, Reid?.
Half a dozen F4Fs and 15 Buffaloes.
Damned relics. - We'll show the Japs
we're up here. Maybe we'll get lucky.
OK, Reid.
In less than 5 hours
Hosogaya will attack the Aleutians,
and we will still be groping to Midway
in this filthy squall.
We're not due to launch
our first air strike for 36 hours.
Our predictions are for clear weather
before then, Admiral.
I keep wondering what Operation K
uncovered at Pearl Harbor.
Were the American carriers there?.
We've heard nothing from Yamamoto.
The American carriers must be there.
Damn communications blackout!
Hey, you guys!
The Japs are bombing Dutch Harbor!
Here we go.