Well, Gentlemen, it's started.
Signal Spruance.
The Aleutian lslands
are being invaded, Admiral.
Washington could still be right.
It could be a feint for an attack
on the West Coast or here in Hawaii.
Or what we've defended against.
Today. Our PBY should tell us today.
Hey, do you see what I see?.
Damn right, I do!
Sparks, raise Midway.
Radio: Main body.
That's all?. Just ""Main body""?.
- Send it! - Yes, Sir.
An American PBY, Sir.
A reconnaissance seaplane!
Radio's picked up it's transmission.
It's alerting Midway.
Break radio silence.
Advise Admiral Yamamoto:
lnvasion force has been discovered.
6 large ships in a column, bearing
262 degrees, distance 700 miles.
- You were right, it's Midway.
You know what I mean, Admiral.
- Fletcher's joined Spruance on time.