- Wait a minute. Where are we going?
- I'm going to get you out of town.
- Now?
- Yeah, now.
Listen, Nick, if they're
really looking for you
and you say they are,
then they're gonna find you.
Especially in the place
you picked to hide out in.
- You're eight blocks from the office.
- You said they weren't looking for me.
- But you said you knew they were.
- You said they weren't looking for me.
Which way do you want it, Nick...
they're looking for you or they're not?
- They're looking for me.
- Then let's go.
Because two days of looking
gives them a hell of an edge.
- You got any clothes you wanna take?
- I don't feel good.
- I don't feel good at all.
- Goddamn it!
What's the matter?
Open the window, quick.
Open the window, quick! Mikey!
- What's the matter?
- Gotta get some cold air in here.
- They're not gonna find you...
- Gotta get outta here.
I can't breathe.
There's no air in this room.
Gotta get out.
I'm gonna get outta here.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on!
- Come on!
- You're gonna wake up the whole place.
- Which way... stairs or elevator?
- The elevator.
Stairs. Come on!
- You're ridiculous.
- Would you go out there, first?
- Yes, I will go out first.
- Will you go out first?
Yes, I will go out first.
But there is nobody there.
I'm the only one
that knows you're here.
- Then why don't you go out first?
- I'm going out first.
Wait a minute.