Uh, he's at the all-night movie
at 14th Street and Hall.
Movie, 14th and Hall.
- Sixth Street!
- I wonder what's playing.
You all right?
Yeah, sure.
Got a cigarette?
You're not supposed to smoke
on these things.
He gonna stop me,
this guy here?
Hey, take it easy.
Here's a cigarette.
Just one bus driver.
Save yourself for a crowd.
Excuse me.
- No smoking in the bus.
- Hey, shut up, will ya?
- I'm gonna tell the bus driver.
- I'm gonna tell your mother.
You know, I don't want to
start up with your element.
My element? Wait a minute.
Let me check it out.
It's all right.
My element's okay.
Oh, dear.
Is that supposed to shock me?
- You know, you got big hands.
- What?
You got big hands.
You coulda been a piano player
with those hands.