You're idiot!
Sorry, but l see nothing.
This fog's as thick as bouillabaisse.
-I beg your pardon?
Nuts, nuts! There are
no nuts in my chocolate!
You let that imbecile in the shop
give you raisins.
He didn't have any nuts.
-The man in the shop?
-That's the reason l took the raisins.
Never mind.
We'll soon be there for dinner.
Hot soup.
Something is not right
in all of this, huh?
I can feel it in my bones.
-In your what?
-In my bones.
Buns? You have buns?
You bought buns
and didn't tell me?
-Where are the buns?
-No, monsieur.
The bones in my body.
You shouldn't speak with an accent
when you know l'm hungry.
If you ask me, Sam,
this is a wild goose chase.
-Nobody asked you.
-Yes, they did.
You asked me back there
if l thought--
That was then. This is now.
Nobody knows
what tomorrow will be.
That's the way it is,
whether we like it or not.
Sam, l really worry
about you sometimes.
Cut the malarkey.
This trip is strictly business.
-What do you got on Twain?
-He was born in San Francisco in 1 906.
His mother was Catholic,
father an Orthodox Jew.
They separated two hours
after the marriage.
-Any children?
-Yeah, one daughter, 32.
Her name's lrene,
but she goes by Rita.
Just like a dame.
Don't stop, angel. You're doing fine.
He was arrested in 1 932
for selling pornographic bibles.
Charges were dropped when the
church didn't turn over the bibles.
There's nothing on him until '46
when he was picked up in EI Paso...