Diamond? Charleston?
Are you in there?
Go back to kitchen, get dining
room key from pocket of dead butler.
Don't say "dead butler." lt's bad
enough l have to reach in his pocket.
Holy merde.
Miss Skeffington!
Miss Skeffington!
Miss Withers!
-He's gone.
The butler's body is missing.
Here's the key.
-Where you find key?
-In his pocket.
-What pocket?
-The butler's.
-Butler gone, but pocket there?
Someone stole him
but left his clothes.
Open the door.
Something is very wrong here.
Hello. Where is everyone?
Room filled with empty people.
I'll try the other door.
It's locked from the inside.
Both doors locked
from inside, yet no way out.
I don't like it one bit.
I like it,
but don't understand.
Maybe other way out of room,
secret passageway perhaps.
Wrong. There are no
secret passageways, Mr. Wang.
-You spoke?
-Not me.
I spoke.
There! Voice come from cow
on wall!
Moose! Moose, you imbecile!
What have you done
with the others, you short madman?
Stumped already.
Need some clues, Mr. Perrier?
I need no clues from you. I find my
own, you demented lollipop!
Man who argue with cow
is like train without wheels.
-Soon get nowhere.
-I'm sick of fortunes!
-Man who's sick of fortune--
-I said l was sick of this!