Must've been 1950, then.
I was at NBC.
Associate producer.
Morning news.
I was just a kid... 26 years old.
Anyway... anyway, they're building the lower
level of the George Washington Bridge.
We were doing a remote from there.
And nobody told me.
Then after 7 in the morning,
I get a call.
"Where the hell are you? You're supposed to be
on the George Washington Bridge?"
I jump out of bed,
throw my raincoat over my pajamas.
I run downstairs
and out into the street...
hail a cab and say to the cabbie...
"Take me to the middle
of the George Washington Bridge."
The cabbie turns around and says...
He says, "Don't do it, buddy.
You're a young man. You've got
your whole life ahead of you."
Didn't I tell you that before?
I'm gonna kill myself.
Shit, Howard.
I'm gonna blow my brains out
right on the air...
right in the middle
of the seven o'clock news.
You'll get a hell of a rating,
I'll guarantee that.
Fifty share easy.
- You think so?
- Sure.
We could make a series out of it.
"Suicide of the Week."
Why limit ourselves?
"Execution of the Week."
"Terrorist of the Week."
They'll love it.
Suicides. Assassinations.
Mad bombers.
Mafia hit men.