George Bosch. Barbara Schlesinger.
Tommy Pellegrino.
I just saw footage of a special Bill's
doing on the revolutionary underground.
Most of it's tedious stuff of
Laureen Hobbs and two fatigue jackets...
muttering mutilated Marxism...
but he's got eight minutes
of a bank robbery...
that is sensational!
Authentic stuff shot
while the robbery was going on.
Remember the Mary Ann Gifford
It's that bunch of nuts. She's in
the movie shooting off machine guns.
This is really terrific footage.
We can get a movie of the week
out of it, maybe even a series.
A series?
What are we talking about?
We've got a bunch of hobgoblin radicals,
the Ecumenical Liberation Army...
who go around taking home movies
of themselves robbing banks.
Maybe they'll take movies of themselves
kidnapping heiresses...
hijacking 747 s...
bombing bridges,
assassinating ambassadors.
We'd open each week's segment
with their authentic footage...
hire writers to write a story behind
that footage, and we've got a series.
A series about a bunch
of bank-robbing guerrillas?
What will we call it,
the "Mao Tse-Tung Hour"?
Why not?
They've got "Strike Force,"
"Task Force," "SWAT."
Why not Che Guevara
and his own little "Mod Squad"?
I sent you all a concept analysis report
yesterday. Did any of you read it?
Well, in a nutshell it said...
"The American people
are turning sullen."
They've been clobbered on all sides
by Vietnam, Watergate, inflation.
They've turned off, shot up, fucked
themselves limp, and nothing helps.
So this concept analysis report
the American people want somebody
to articulate their rage for them.
I've told you since I took this job
six months ago that I want angry shows.
I don't want conventional programming.
I want counterculture.
I want antiestablishment.
I don't want to play butch boss
with you people...
but when I took over
this department...