
it had the worst programming record
in television history.

This network hasn't one show
in the top 20.

This network is an industry joke.
We better start putting together
one winner for next September.

I want a show developed...
based on the activities
of a terrorist group.

"Joseph Stalin and His Merry Band
of Bolsheviks."

I want ideas from you.
That is what you're paid for.

By the way, the next time I send
an audience research report around...

you'd better read it,
or I'll sack the lot of you.

Is that clear?
I'll be on the coast in four weeks. Can
you set up a meeting with Laureen Hobbs?

The business of management
is management.

At the time CCA took control,
the UBS TV network was foundering...

with less than seven percent
of national television revenues...

most network programs being sold
at station rates.

I am pleased to announce I am submitting
to the board of directors a plan...

for the coordination
of the main profit centers...

and with the specific intention
of making each division...

more responsive to management.
Point one.
"The division producing the lowest rate
of return has been the News Division...

with its $98 million budget and its
average annual deficit of $32 million."

I know, historically, news divisions
are expected to lose money.

To our minds, this philosophy
is a wanton fiscal affront...

to be resolutely resisted.
The new plan calls for local news to be
transferred to Owned Stations Divisions.

News Radio would be transferred to
the UBS Radio Division...

and the News Division would be reduced
from an independent division...

to a department accountable
to network.

- What was that all about, Ed?
- This is not the time.

Why wasn't I told about this?
Why was I led up onto that podium and
humiliated in front of the stockholders?

Goddamn it! I spoke to John Wheeler
this morning...

and he assured me
that the News Division was safe.

If you want me to resign,
that's a bad way to do it.
