It was all sex, scandal,
brutal crime, sports...
children with incurable diseases
and lost puppies.
So I won't listen to protestations
of high standards of journalism...
when you're on the streets, soliciting
audiences like the rest of us.
All I'm saying is, if you're going
to hustle, at least do it right.
I'm going to bring this up at tomorrow's
meeting, but I don't like hassles.
I was hoping we could work this out
between us. That's why I'm here.
And I was hoping you were looking for
an emotional involvement...
with a craggy, middle-aged man.
I wouldn't rule that out entirely.
All right, Diana...
bring up all your ideas at the meeting,
because if you don't, I will.
I think Howard's making
a goddamn fool of himself...
and so does everybody that Howard
and I know in this industry.
It was a fluke.
Didn't work.
So tomorrow, Howard goes back
to the old format...
and all of this gutter depravity
comes to an end.
I don't get it.
You hung around until 7:30
and then came down here...
just to pitch a couple
of loony show-biz ideas...
when you knew goddamn well
I'd laugh you right out of the office.
I don't get it.
What's your scam in this?
My visit here tonight was a gesture made
out of your stature in the industry...
and because I personally admired you
since I was a kid...
majoring in speech
at the University of Missouri.
Sooner or later, with or without you,
I'm going to take over your news show.
I figured I might as well start tonight.
I think I once gave a lecture...
at the University of Missouri.
I was in the audience. I had
a schoolgirl crush on you for months.