
By mid-October, the "Howard Beale Show"
had settled in at a 42 share...

more than equaling all the other
network news shows combined.

In the Nielsen ratings,
the "Howard Beale Show"...

was the fourth-highest-rated show
of the month...

surpassed only by "The Six Million
Dollar Man," "All in the Family"...

and "Phyllis"...
a phenomenal state of affairs
for a news show.

On October 15, Diana Christensen
flew to Los Angeles...

for what the trade calls
powwows and confabs...

with her West Coast
programming execs...

and to get production rolling
on the shows for the coming season.

Christ! You brought half the William
Morris West Coast Office along with you.

I'm Diana Christensen, a racist lackey
of the imperialist ruling circles.

I'm Laureen Hobbs,
a bad-ass commie nigger.

Sounds like the basis
of a firm friendship.

- We'll need more chairs.
- Anybody want coffee?

I'd love some.
This is my lawyer, Sam Haywood,
and his associate, Merrill Grant.

Miss Christensen, just what the hell's
this all about?

Because, when a national
television network...

in the person of booby here
comes to me and says...

they want to put the ongoing struggle
of the oppressed masses...

on prime-time television...
I have to regard this askance!
Mr. Haywood was saying
that our client, Miss Hobbs...

wants it up front that
the political content of the show...

has to be in her control.
She can have it. I don't give a damn
about the political content.

What kind of show?
I'm interested in doing
a weekly dramatic series...

based on the
Ecumenical Liberation Army...
