God in Heaven!
My friends, we're at war.
Who is ''we''?
Us. France.
What's the date on that, Father?
- August 3rd.
- My God.
Does it say how it turned out?
They only go up to August 1 3th.
Who are we at war with, Father?
Germany, of course!
I would have said the English.
- Damn it!
- What?
That means I'm out
57 francs and 7 5 centimes!
Germany's never going to pay now!
- It's right out there!
- So?
The Krauts are out there!
That's right!
Luckily they can't know yet.
Everything comes through us.
- You hear that, Bosselet?
- It's time to wake up.
What are you so excited about?
- We're not excited!
- Yes, you are.
Remember: The military authorities
take charge in a case like this.
And around here, that's you!
In any case, it's clear:
The motherland is in danger.
Vive la France.!
Aren't you going to say
Vive la France?
You can't do that.
Imagine how you'd look.
- Like French patriots, that's how!
- French patriots!
How do you even know
this war isn't already over?
How can it be over?
It's hardly gotten started!
Mr. Rechampot, your little expedition
could turn out very badly.
Something like that
takes preparation, believe me.
And be careful about declaring war
on the Germans. They're no amateurs!