Open your mouth.
You are Volunteer Hippolyte.
I know your sister.
That's two, four, six, eight--
Two, three, four, fiive, six--
Out of my way.
Two, four, six, eight, 1 0, 1 2.
I counted 1 2 this morning.
That makes 1 2 rifles on the table...
plus fiive hunting rifles,
one of which is an automatic.
- I want that one back.
- Okay. Return to owner.
So six and six is 1 2, and six is--
And six is 1 8.
Hey, knock it off!.
You're making me lose count.
Six and fiive makes 1 1 .
Six and fiive make 1 1 ,
plus six make 1 7, plus 1 2--
Seventeen and--
- Seventeen and 1 2 make 29.
- Whatever you say.
Hell, this should be over quickly.
We've got fiive dry cases and two
slightly damp cases of cartridges.
You see, Bosselet?
God is on our side.