Noirs et blancs en couleur

There are no doctors here!
Come on, come on!
We really only lost the bugler, after all.
So let the Krauts come anytime.

We've still got fiive soldiers.
I say they won't come.
And so what if they do?

The Germans aren't total savages.
We know them, after all.

White men can always
reason with one another.

Unless we killed one of them.
What are you saying?
We didn't have time.

Don't worry.
We put up a pathetic fiight.

Go on! Have you no shame?
We recovered everything, sir.
Nothing is missing.
You witnessed my fiirst defeat.
You couldn't well have witnessed
my second, now, could you...

since this was my fiirst battle.
Make no mistake about it:
With their weapons,
they can slaughter us anytime they want.
