Hold your fire. Hold your fire.
Peterson, this is Brie.
We're on the Broussard Road
approaching the bridge.
Are your roadblocks in place?
All set on your side, Inspector.
I'm helping an oil truck
off the road over here.
Get it out of there!
We're on the bridge now!
The wife and daughter of New Orleans
businessman Michael Courtland...
were killed yesterday...
when a kidnap-rescue effort
sadly backfired.
Over here is Inspector August Brie,
who's in charge of this case.
Inspector, can you tell us
exactly what happened here?
I'm sorry.
I can't divulge any information
at this time.
It's just been too tragic,
that's all.
The police did all they could.
The search for the bodies
remains fruitless...
hampered by the explosion
of the automobile...
and the currents of the Mississippi.