
So you were in Florence before?
A long time ago.
I was stationed near here
after the war.

I wasn't even born,
but my mother often told me...

how hard times were then.
You live with your mother?
Not anymore. I have an apartment
near Ponte Vecchio.

But I was raised by my mother.
My father deserted us
a long time ago.

That's sad.
What was Florence like
during the Occupation?

I'm really not an expert
on the Occupation.

My mind is elsewhere.
I met my wife there.
Oh, the plot thickens.
Let us sit and tell sad tales...
about deserted daughters
and lonely husbands.

I thought you had a familiar
melancholy look...

when you came into the church.
That wasn't...
She died a long time ago.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
It's just that a single girl...
meets a lot of men,
mostly Americans...

who want to tell her
about their wives.

It's not very flattering.
What was she like?
She was very much like you.
Like me?
She was Italian?
No, she looked very much like you.
Do you have a picture of her?
I really have to go now.
May I see you again sometime?
