- Let me help you with this.
- Thank you.
It's beautiful here.
Now, this D'Annunzio-Florence deal
is lookin' awful good, Court.
Looks like the old goat is finally
gonna invest some big money with us.
Now, I've got a preliminary
breakdown here...
of the basic estimated
development cost and cash flow...
for the joint venture proposal.
I'd like you to look those over
if you would.
You wouldn't file
an in personam suit against me...
if I asked you to table all this
for a while, would ya?
I mean, with the wedding plans
and everything, I'm just not up to it.
- Would you mind, for a while?
- Can do, Court.
Can do. That's what
a partner's for, I guess.
Well, our friends are certainly
looking forward to meetin' Sandra.
They'll all meet her
on the big day.
Big day of the big wedding.
Big day of my new life.
How do you say in Italian?