John, you go in.
I never said goodbye, she might be angry.
Better yet, leave it for another day.
You, there!
What in hell do you want?
This is Kirkly Abbey?
Yes, and I'm the abbess. Who are you?
Good God, it's Marian.
- What are you doing in that costume?
- Living in it.
Well, I've come home to you, Marian.
The wars are over. I'm here.
It's Mother Jennet now.
You can trot right back to Jerusalem.
You're angry.
I haven't thought of you in 20 years.
Give me a smile. Invite me in.
Come back tomorrow. I'll be gone.
- The sheriff's coming. I'm off to prison.
- Off to prison?
Marian! What did you say?
Damn the man!
- Mother Jennet...
- They'll be here for me soon.
- You're in no danger, carry on.
- But...
No services, but you must help
all those who come as best you can.
- What happened? Explain.
- I haven't time.
- But why the sheriff? What did you do?
- God's work. That's what I do.