- Shall we go on?
- Why not? See what there is to see.
No harm in that.
- See anything?
- Not yet.
He knows we're coming.
He'll be waiting, watching.
- Not a soldier anyplace.
- So far.
- Robin.
- Where?
You can't see anything. Just a crowd.
I see a wagon with three horses.
One to pull, but two to push?
I'm almost sorry.
Now. At once.
Aye, sir.
What now?
We set up shop. Do you see a table?
- Why not go out and get him?
- Why go out when he'll come in?
There we are.
- It's no good being inside all day.
- What?
Walk where you like.
I don't understand what he means.
Hey, there! You, lad!
- That's not your table. It's ours.
- It was empty.
Makes no difference. What's mine is mine.
Now, get off with you.
- I need it. I'll buy it from you.
- It's not for sale.