You fool.
You've put on weight.
Was this a day!
I haven't had one like it since we left.
Neither have I.
- Did we really used to do this sort of thing?
- All the time.
How did I bear it?
When I saw you on that wall,
I thought I saw you dead.
Why did I ever leave?
Let's take a look at you.
- Just a few bumps and bruises.
- All the same.
So many.
You had the sweetest body when you left.
Hard, and not a mark.
And you were mine.
When you left, I thought I'd die.
I even tried.
I walked out in the woods near camp,
and laid down by a stream and cut myself.
Some damn fool forester came by
and took me to the abbey, so they say.
No more scars, Robin.
It's too much to lose you twice.