Fight the sheriff? Don't be mad.
It's four-to-one. We'd be slaughtered.
What's he thinking?
These are boys we've got. They're farmers.
Tell him! You're the only one. He'll listen.
Me? Say no to Rob?
Just this once.
We've always been together.
I'd be nothing without him.
I want him safe, that's all. I said I'd leave.
What more do you want from me?
I haven't asked for anything.
You never liked me much.
- You're Rob's lady.
- Go on, say it.
You're Rob's lady.
...you'd been mine,
I never would have left you.
Damn you!
You've had him with you.
You've had years! I'm going to lose him.
- No, you won't.
- Oh, John!
Oh, John!
I'll watch over him.
Don't cry.
He'll be back.
We're going out.
Yes, I know.
She told you?
- Yes.
- Well?
She asked me not to go.
And you decided what?