He went down well, the sheriff did.
Brave man.
And the better one today.
The years...
The years, they whittle at you.
I should give it up, you know.
I doubt I'll have a day like this again.
And yet...
- lf they should follow us...
- I'll wait outside.
- I did my best.
- I know.
This will help the pain.
He's something, John is.
No one's gentler in the world...
...nor half as terrible.
Did you see him?
I should go and tend my men.
Brave boys, all of them.
I meant to...
I like your medicine.
There's no pain at all.
We'll have a time in the forest.
You'll tend me till I'm well again.
And then...
...great battles!
We'll have a life to sing about.