No matter what happens...
Lefty, I got a friend
for you here.
- You seen Paulie?
- He's in the steamroom.
Rocky, what's with the eye?
- Been fightin'.
- Hope youse won it.
Yeah. Did real good.
The heavyweight
champion, Apollo Creed...
- Who'd you fight?
- Spider Rico.
Is he still around?
Yeah. He's doing
better than you are.
Paulie, did you lock the door?
I'd like to kill the moron
who broke the mirror.
Paulie, every day,
every night I pass by.
Your sister's giving me
the shoulder.
You can do better than her.
Every night I pass by,
I tell a joke.
Every morning I tell a joke.
- She just looks at me.
- Looks?
Like I'm a plate of leftovers.
I need a Cadillac
to connect with your sister?
She's a freakin' loser.
She gets me so crazy
I could split her head.
Don't get mental, man.
You're always in a bad mood.
Adrian is a loser.
She's pushing 30.
She'll end up dying alone.
- I'm 30 myself.
- And you'll die alone.
I don't see no crowd around you.
I'll kill whoever broke this.
Let's get out of this stink.
I want to talk to you.
- You still work for Gazzo?
- Yeah, sure.
Why don't you talk
to him about me?
I don't think Gazzo's
hiring right now.
Come on.