but it don't bother me none.
Don't bother me, either.
Why did I bring it up?
Because I'm dumb.
We make a real sharp
couple of coconuts.
I'm dumb, you're shy.
Why would anybody
want to be a fighter?
You got to be a moron
to want to be a fighter.
You're almost guaranteed
to end up a bum.
I don't think you're a bum.
I'm at least half a bum,
but I'll tell you something.
Worst thing about fighting
is the morning after.
The morning after a fight,
you're like a large wound.
I feel like calling a taxi
to take me from the bed
to the bathroom.
Your hair hurts, your eyes hurt,
your face is busted up.
Look at this face... 64 fights.
See that nose?
That nose ain't
never been broken.
I had guys chewing on it,
twisting it, punching it.
These guys are hitting
my nose all the time.
Never broke. I'm proud of that.
- Why do it if it hurts?
- Why do you think?
'Cause you can't sing or dance.
Yeah, something like that.
Want to come inside?
No, I got to go.
Come on. I got these
very rare animals inside.
No, I got to go.
I got to go to
the bathroom. Come on.
No, I got to go.
Is this a face you can trust?
They ought to stick
this face on a stamp.
Come on. Come on in.
Come on.