Instead, as we'll see,
this prostitute...
This prostitute, who died
during an attempted abortion...
...is of pure Aryan race.
In spite of the vices of her profession
and the corruption of her life...
...this corpse,
even in the rigidity of death...
...keeps all those typical
characteristics of a superior race.
Are there any questions?
Professor, is it true that
Jesus Christ was son of...
...a Roman prostitute
and a German soldier?
Without a doubt!
There can't be found the slightest trace
of Jewish characteristics in Jesus Christ.
He was blond with blue eyes...
...typical signs of his German origin.
Can you tell me who was the first man
in the world, who realized this fact...
...and revealed it to the human race?
Yes, sir. Our Fuehrer.
Adolf Hitler.