He promised to free us in 6 months from
the Communists and the trade-unions...
...and he kept his promise!
Today Nazi Law is socially the most
advanced one on earth...
...much more than the Fascist Code
in Italy.
And so Italian!
I admire the Italians, mom!
Me, too, my darling.
They are more Mediterranean...
...but very likeable.
They are a bit too exotic,
too colorful for my taste.
But in our party there is
a lack of style as well.
All these brown shirts,
it's such a vulgar color!
And his manners, my dear.
Did you notice how he drinks his tea?
By lifting the little pinky up.
Miss Enkel, you are forgetting, just as
often as my dad and mom forget...
...the National Socialist cannot waste
any time on learning proper etiquette.
They are too busy re-establishing
order, which you can't stand up for...
...because you're too busy controlling
your pinky and choosing your colors.
Don't you realize that you are
a generation of dead people?